Why are inventions so important?

Each small innovation generated changes in his life and in everyone’s. Whether it is a language system or a poem, they make the universe a different place.

Man & the Invention

•    The first step of an invention is to imagine.  InventHelp Store

Generate visualization with our mind activating colors, situations and even places that we have never seen. We could say that when we imagine, we dream daydreams. Many times, the ideas for a film project, for a new transport machine or for an architectural form come from dream instances, that is, we receive ideas in our dreams that, later, we decided to apply to our life or our work. This happens because while we sleep we do not have nor feel any barrier, then the mind and imagination are allowed to access at any level without judging and without limitation. In dreams we are free and, perhaps, freedom is the first factor to invent.


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