
How does an ovulation test work?
The use of an ovulation test is very similar to a pregnancy test. However, in the case of an ovulation test, the average cycle length must first be babyandyou determined in order to determine the time of the start of the test. The cycle length is calculated as follows: 17 days are subtracted from the cycle length (for example 28 days) (result: eleven). So you start the test on the eleventh day.

The test stick must come into contact with the woman's urine up to the mark . Depending on the test, the contact should last up to ten seconds. It is up to the woman whether the test tip is wetted directly with the urine jet or the urine is first collected in a clean cup.

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Classic ovulation test
The "classic" ovulation test has a control and a test strip on the display. The control strip becomes visible as soon as the test stick comes into contact with the urine. The test strip changes color within five to ten minutes depending on the concentration of the so-called luteinizing hormone (LH).

If the test strip as strongly colored as the control strip, the hormone concentration is very high and the ovulating women will be held in the next two days. If, on the other hand, it is only slightly discolored or not visible at all, ovulation is not yet imminent and further tests to determine ovulation are necessary.


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